Members of Epsilon Mu Chapter, Clemson, are supporting Kappa’s new philanthropic purpose focused on mental health and well-being. In just 86 hours, they raised over $30,000 for the Jed Foundation.
Clemson Kappas were part of history during the First Friday Parade, a nearly 50-year-old tradition that takes place before the first Tigers home football game. Before the game, student organizations raise funds and the group that raises the most for its charity of choice elects a Miss or Mister First Friday.
In 2021, Epsilon Mu Chapter, Clemson, was poised to start raising funds for mental health and well-being, Kappa’s new philanthropy. In just 86 hours, the chapter raised over $30,000 for the Jed Foundation.
JED is one of the established organizations Kappa is partnering with in its effort to address mental health and well-being with compassion, authenticity and respect. JED is a nonprofit that protects emotional health and aims to prevent suicide in teens and young adults. “After unveiling our new philanthropy that supports mental health awareness, we are honored to give back to the Jed Foundation,” wrote Epsilon Mu in an Instagram post about the fundraiser. This is a great need that is being recognized, adds Philanthropy Chair Kaylie Fringer.

A third-generation Tiger, Jennings Bryson represented Kappa in the parade. “I’m honored and humbled to represent Clemson Kappas and the Jed Foundation as Miss First Friday,” she says. “I cannot express enough gratitude to everyone who donated — our incredible alumnae and the most amazing active members — feeling so inspired by you all!”
Kaylie says the First Friday fundraiser was the perfect way to kick off Epsilon Mu’s Mental Health Week and its partnership with JED, which includes more philanthropic events throughout the year.
Want to fundraise for JED? Find out how.