start a chapter
start a chapter
New Kappa chapters are founded through a process called “extension.” We work with the National Panhellenic Conference and follow their guidelines for starting a new chapter.
A Kappa House Is the Best Home Away From Home
When nowhere else feels like home, Kappa does. Here’s what our members have to say when asked what makes a Kappa house the best home away from home: “The laughter that fills the hallways.”…
10 Reasons to Go Kappa Kappa Gamma
Kappa’s it. It’s where you’ll learn to dream boldly and live fully, find a home base and where you’ll become exactly who you were meant to be. 1. You’ll connect with genuine women. “During…

chapter locator
Kappa on your campus
Is Kappa on your campus? Use our chapter locator to find a chapter near you.