start a chapter
start a chapter
New Kappa chapters are founded through a process called “extension.” We work with the National Panhellenic Conference and follow their guidelines for starting a new chapter.
A Support System Throughout The Years
Sometimes, in life, we hit an unexpected curve. After a divorce, Wendy Turrell, Allegheny, had to figure out how to navigate her new reality. In the fallout of the divorce, many of Wendy’s plans had fallen…
A Kappa House Is the Best Home Away From Home
When nowhere else feels like home, Kappa does. Here’s what our members have to say when asked what makes a Kappa house the best home away from home: “The laughter that fills the hallways.”…
chapter locator
Kappa on your campus
Is Kappa on your campus? Use our chapter locator to find a chapter near you.